Ambitious professional Women of Faith 

Do you Desire to move from Success to Significance?

It’s time to Step into your Brilliance,

Live and Lead powerfully,

 and fully from your Divine Design:

this is Inner Armor Leadership, and you are welcome here. 

Do you…

1. Find yourself questioning the direction or purpose of your life?

2. Have difficulty expressing your emotions or seeking support from others?

3. Struggle to find joy or fulfillment in daily activities?

Sign Up to Take Your FREE Assessement.

Sarah Berven

It is time…

For you to break through what’s keeping you stuck, freeing you to step into your brilliance, live and lead powerfully, and fully from your divine design with joy and peace. There’s a reason why you are feeling discontent and unfulfilled.  Good Father God’s plans are so much better and bigger. And He’s even “gooder” than you thought! 🙂

Hi, my name is Sarah, and I’m very excited to meet you! I am an ordained minister with a Master’s of Divinity degree from Oral Roberts University, kingdom entrepreneur, retired United States Air Force chaplain, and the world’s #1 Inner Armor Leadership Coach, and founder of Inner Armor Leadership Coaching and Training online.

Through the journey of my breakdown to my breakthrough, God has revealed the mandate to equip His beloved daughters, awakening them to rise up out of old religious human ways of thinking through governing our minds and upgrading our Operating System to Kingdombeginning with how we think!

It’s our thinking that is the problem.  When Jesus said “Repent” in Matthew 4:17, he wasn’t saying to change our behavior. The word in Greek for ‘repent’ is metanoia (which translates to “change your thinking, change your mind“). Religion is all about behavior modification and that doesn’t work! 

It’s time to metanoia and experience true life in the Kingdom.

Join me on this journey of living and leading powerfully from within…

 Sarah E Berven